Adastra Painting is more than a painting company. We’re a family of dreamers, leaders, and hard workers. Our mission is to change the painting experience into an inspiring adventure, and we’re driven each day to make our community more beautiful. We’re committed to our customers and take a custom approach to every job. From flexible scheduling to color testing, we’re determined to find the perfect solution for every customer’s painting project. With over a decade of experience and thousands of happy clients across New York, we LOVE what we do (and can’t wait to share it with you!).
We’re determined to do more – more for our community, for our environment, and for our family of customers. That’s why we’re an active partner with Animal Haven, a nonprofit organisation that is committed to saving our furry friends. A portion of every job booked with Adastra Painting is donated to Animal Haven, resulting in thousands of animals saved and cared for. To read more about this incredible organisation, visit
John Olsen
We stay in constant communication with our customers until the job is done. To get a free estimate, or if you have questions or special requests, just drop us a line.
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